The Market is There for You to Become a Home Inspector

While the numbers continue to grow, it is estimated that 77 percent of the homes sold in the United States and Canada today are inspected prior to purchase. This means that the market is still underserved and that the remaining growth potential is considerable. This trend leaves room for many to become home inspectors and construct a home inspection career, or even begin a home inspection company.

Even more, home inspectors with talent and ambition can expand their business services to include commercial inspections and expert witness testimony. Radon, lead-based paint, septic systems and indoor air testing are just a few of the services that home inspectors can provide for additional fees. The financial investment and overhead needed to run a home inspection business are small compared to other businesses, making this a lucrative small business opportunity. 

Last modified: Wednesday, 2 March 2016, 10:51 AM